Wednesday, January 16, 2008


On January 15, 2008 The World Metal Alliance founders released a new original heavy metal song called "HUCK EM ALL" which is now available for free download on the WMA MySpace Page. It's lyrics are in the style similar to old "Mark Russell" comedic political satire and are even a little "politically incorrect" (after all it's metal). But instead of a piano, the words are stated over an original heavy metal composition. If you like Mike, and want something heavier than the "I Like Mike" folk song which is all over the internet, or a message with a little more bite, than this song's for you.

I also want to make it clear, that although the founders happen to like this candidate for differing reasons, we don't necessarily reflect the views of the World Metal Alliance membership. Our membership is too politically diverse to agree on one candidate and that's one of the reasons we've never officially endorsed any candidate as an organization. It is also one of the reasons this song is only being promoted on the founders' personal sites and not on the World Metal Alliance website.

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